Thursday, May 6, 2010

Shedding Some Light on Anti-Aging With LED Light Therapy

By Amy Gardner, L.E.

Light and its healing properties have been studied and used in the medical field for over 100 years.  LED light therapy is not a newcomer to these studies.  NASA has used it to facilitate plant growth at the space station as well as to accelerate wound healing.  It has since been used to treat numerous medical conditions including pain and inflammation, diabetic retinopathy and neuropathy, skin cancer, radiation induced dermatitis in breast cancer patients, mucositis (sores of the mouth caused by chemotherapy), even brain and liver cancers.   If you’ve ever wondered what the blue light is that hospitals use to treat infants with hyperbilirubinemia (jaundice), it’s LED.  The exposure to blue light, specifically 465nm, works by breaking down the bilirubin into water-soluble isomers that can be passed without getting stuck in the liver.  What does all of this have to do with skin care?  Think enhanced cellular function stimulated by light energy.    

According to Steve Marchese of LightStim International, here’s how it works.  “As we age, our cellular activity slows down and we produce less collagen and elastin.  This loss contributes to the appearance of sagging and diminished elasticity.  Our Anti-Aging Light creates energy that stimulates the body’s fibroblast cells to produce 2 to 4 times more, and in some cases even 10 times more adenosine triphosphate or ATP.  ATP is responsible for fueling the cells activities including the production of collagen and elastin.  The re-building of these fibrous proteins results in a reduction of fine lines and wrinkles, refinement of pores and a more even skin tone.  Clients frequently comment that their skin has a more radiant appearance.”  LED therapy has also been proven to inhibit the production of the environmentally produced enzymes that destroy collagen and elastin, consequently serving as prevention as well as treatment for the effects of aging.  Another attractive aspect of LED light therapy is that it is non-invasive.  It simply provides energy for the skin’s cells to perform as they did at a younger age.  Even more impressive; the cost to the consumer is under $350 for a lifetime of treatment.

Is it really so important to look your best?  In this economy, many Americans are finding it necessary to continue working well past anticipated retirement dates, and in many cases to find new careers.  In order to compete in a daunting job market, many feel it helps to present a more youthful and energetic appearance.  Although most do not have the discretionary income to devote to costly cosmetic procedures, they can afford LED light therapy.  “When people look more youthful and rested, it is perceived that they have a proportionately higher energy level and enthusiasm to bring to the workplace” says Flavia Manconi, image consultant for Project Image, Newport Beach, CA.  “There is a self-confidence about those who are content with their appearance which seems to be a fundamental factor in their ability to self-motivate.’

Many beauty experts agree.  Juli Berryhill is a licensed aesthetician and educator who has practiced in southern California for over 30 years.  She began using LightStim approximately 1 year ago.  “As a skin care professional, my personal appearance is a testimony to my expertise.  No one will trust in my ability to improve their appearance if they don’t look favorably upon mine.  LightStim has made a distinct improvement in my overall skin tone.   In this business experience is a definite asset, but looking good is essential to my credibility.   

If one’s budget does permit the occasional procedure, but professional obligations do not allow for post-procedure down time, LED light therapy may provide a solution.  Dr. Jason Martin of The Aspen Institute of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and LightStim’s Medical Director says, “I have been extremely pleased with the reduction in bruising that has occurred in the majority of my patients with treatment using the LightStim LED light.  Our patients have been amenable to utilizing this treatment protocol after surgery, and in most cases they are delighted with the actual reduction in the previously noted postoperative issues after only one LED treatment.  Following the patient over time, the reduction in these postoperative issues after four to five treatments is remarkable.” 

It is important to understand that this treatment is not a substitute for a face-lift.  LED, when used correctly, will create a subtle yet noticeable reduction in fine lines and wrinkles, appearance of pores, and post-procedure inflammation and bruising.  Other reported benefits include increased circulation, respiration and skin density as well as overall tightening and toning.  While you may observe some of these affects after the first treatment, others (like the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles) will likely take anywhere from eight to twelve weeks to notice.  The good news:  if you own a hand-held unit, there is no additional cost to longer or more frequent treatment.

Keep in mind also that the health of your skin is not one-dimensional.  There are several separate issues to consider with regards to your individual needs that should be addressed by a skin therapist.  Although one treatment may render improvement, that positive change will only be enhanced by a comprehensive  regime.

For more information, please go to or address your questions to


1 comment:

  1. Very informative article, Amy. Thanks. As an esthetician, I'm always looking for ways to make people proud of their skin. One of my clients has recently given me her before and after pictures using the LightStim acne light. She is extremely happy with her results. I'll be sure to point people to this post in the future.
